NMAONO AFRICA CENTRE FOR TRANSFORMATION recognizes the rights of all children to be protected from harm in accordance with the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) of 1989, The African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of Children of 1990 and Kenya�s Children Act No. 8 of 2001. MAONO AFRICA CENTRE FOR TRANSFORMATION takes seriously its duty to create an organization that is safe for children, where all efforts are made to prevent child abuse. MAONO AFRICA CENTRE FOR TRANSFORMATION sees the best interests of the child as paramount. All MAONO AFRICA CENTRE FOR TRANSFORMATION staff are expected to uphold and abide by our Child Protection Policy, which outlines our approach to keeping children safe. Our approach includes promoting awareness of child protection issues among staff and the broader communities we serve, providing clear disclosure and reporting procedures for alleged violations, and conducting due diligence on all potential new hires. Key roles responsible for enforcing the policy and handling reported cases include: the organization Senior Management Team, B.O.D, and junior staff. Although all MAONO AFRICA CENTRE FOR TRANSFORMATION staff are responsible for the prevention and protection of children against abuse, management should always uphold and demonstrate the commitment to the child protection principles. The MAONO AFRICA CENTRE FOR TRANSFORMATION Child Protection Policy is reviewed as a minimum every three years and is adapted whenever there is a significant change in the organization or any legal changes.